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Plastic Rubber And Glass Waste

Pyrolisis And Pyro Oil From Legacy Waste And Msw Feedstocks Are Segregated Plastic & Rubber Tyre Waste

With a vision to up cycle single use plastic waste, XPOZZINDIA is excited to announce the launch of Pyrolysis Oil Purification Plant. Pyrolysis Oil Purification Plant is a key milestone in our journey towards sustainable plastic recycling,”

This groundbreaking facility is capable to produce 1.0 Kilo Tonnes per Annum (KTA) of high-quality purified pyrolysis oil, setting a new standard for environmental sustainability and advancing the plastic circular economy. This technology enables the conversion of contaminated or mixed plastic waste into Pyro oil, a top-tier purified pyrolysis oil. Removing impurities including corrosives and catalyst poisons like halogens and oxygen, which have previously limited the oil’s use in creating circular plastics, and this Pyro Oil blends seamlessly with crude oil and naphtha for production of circular plastics using existing refinery and petrochemical assets including cracker, FCC, steam cracker,  and coker. This advancement is crucial for producing high-demand, food-grade circular plastics, propelling us toward a sustainable, circular economy.

XPOZZINDIA stands as a leader in the field of waste recycling technology, specializing in pyrolysis and pyrolysis oil purification. Our mission is to transform waste plastic, biomass, and tyres into valuable resources.

Green Hydrogen And Electricity

The development of a Robust Hydrogen ecosystem is critical for achieving Carbon Neutrality; However significant requirements are nessacary to make Hydrogen a cost effective and reliable fuel. Hydrogen is an alternate energy for fossil fuels. Several countries have already started exploring possibilities on viability of Hydrogen through pilot projects, faring well results.

Production of Hydrogen requires Power and Heat, Which can be got by procuring MSW / Legacy Waste and converting the same to Refused Derived Fuel as cheap Fuel for production of Syngas to produce Hydrogen and Electricity.

Thus Procurement and Process of MSW and Legacy Waste become very crucial and advanced technics need to be adopted from time to time.

At XPOZZINDIA we are continuously assisting entrepreneurs on Green Fuels and Energy

  • We provide the different techniques on Storage and Transport of Hydrogen,
  • Familiarize and understand utilization of Heat to produce Hydrogen and Electricity
  • Assistance provided to hydrogen distribution by various networks and domestic applications.
  • To make a commercial case for investment in procuring, processing and producing Hydrogen and Electricity from MSW and Legacy waste.

Rubber Tyre Scrap From Legacy Waste And Msw

1. Energy Efficiency and Waste Heat Recovery

Our pyrolysis plants have been developed with airlock systems for both feedstock introduction and carbon discharge. This continuous feed and discharge mechanism eliminates the need for reactor cool down periods and opens the reaction for feeding and discharge.  This enhances safety, thermal efficiency, plant uptime as well as extends the reactor lifespan. The design of our advanced pyrolysis system includes waste heat recovery from flue gases, which is utilized for (a) the drying of incoming plastic waste and (b) the pre-heating of combustion air, optimizing energy conservation throughout the process.

2. Safety

Automated plants designed for non requirement directly fired reactors, hence ensuring reactor metal safety. Our pyrolysis plants operate at near-atmospheric pressure.

3. Raw Material Flexibility

Our robust pyrolysis plants efficiently handle a variety of feedstocks, including mixed Plastics, Rubber Tyres, and Biomass, effectively managing contaminants such as PVC, PVDC, PET, and more.

Rigid Plastic Waste | XLPE Plastic Cables | Post Consumer Laminates

​Multilayer packaging | Biomass | Tyre Scrap

4. Cost Efficient

We do not use of costly catalysis and additives, hence lower Opex.

5. Anti-Coking Technology

Our Reactor comes with Anti-Coking Technology hence no accumulation of Pyrolysis coke inside the reactor.